Our Savior Lutheran donates to Evans Home for Children
WINCHESTER - Our Savior Lutheran Church, which historically sponsors missions nationally and internationally, has chosen to focus its...
Evans Home Fills Need for Homeless Children
News Article[minisp] <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/_layouts/15/1033/styles/Themable/corev15.css?rev=Tksv%2FotomJIPQGCuUgW...
LongHorn Steakhouse Grant to Evans Home
We're proud to be a recipient of Darden's Restaurant Community Grants program! We are proud that our local Darden restaurant - LongHorn...
Lending a Hand - Around the Panhandle
Our friends at Around the Panhandle Magazine have published a wonderful article on the Evans Home. You can read it here or check it out...
Children's Update Winter 2012
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from The Henry and William Evans Home for Children! StartFragment Thank you! You have allowed us to...
Evans Home 43rd Annual Doll Auction
Fancy, folksy and just plain funny dolls will go to the highest bidder at the 43rd annual Evans Home Doll Auction next weekend. The...
Children's Updates Summer 2012
During the past year, among our population that has ranged between 11 and 16 children at a time, four have come to us because they were...
Evans Home 42nd Annual Doll Auction
WINCHESTER- Even in its 42nd year, the annual doll auction held to benefit the Henry and Williams Evans Home for Children continues to...
The Quintessential Mom
WINCHESTER - Winona Powers isn't the typical mom remembered on Mother's Day. Over the past nine years, she has been a mom to 98 children...
Children's Updates March 2011
Lace em up kids, it's almost time for the Bloom! We're selling seats at Apple Blossom again this year, to earn mad-money for vacation...