Children's Updates Summer 2012
During the past year, among our population that has ranged between 11 and 16 children at a time, four have come to us because they were homeless. This means a couple of things. First, their parents have made a monumental decision to separate from their children while they focus their energies on improving their own conditions; and second, they come with no public assistance. Private fundraising has been a major challenge, and our community has been warmly responsive to this vital and ongoing need. This year we had FIVE HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS, and they not only did all graduate from Handley High School with excellent grades, but all are planning on attending College, four while living next door in our alumni house, "the Lloyd House"!
Also, you'll never guess who stopped by during our Apple Blossom Festival to say hi to the kids? Doug Flutie! (Thank you, Sheriff Lenny, for bringing him by…)
This summer we’ve had kids working all over town, from fast food places to the car wash. Two kids cars have been purchased, two new licenses received, and we’re still planning camping and beach trips around busy schedules!
We went to the National Zoo for fun last week and the whole crew is on the way to see the Nationals play the Mets tomorrow!
One last accomplishment? Our former resident in Medschool graduated! We couldn’t be more proud of Dr. Glynis Pitts, now an doing her residency in Emergency Medicine. Wow!
Thanks to all for your support of our children!